The Environmental Determinism vs. Environmental Possibilism Project is a website designed and created for purpose of educating high school students on environmental determinism vs. environmental possibilism. It demonstrates real life information, and questions using JavaScript to determine if it is environmental determinism or environmental possibilism.
The Python Weather App is an app in replit that uses a python library, external packages, functions, and API integration to feature the current date of a city. It also includes a forecast for each day of the week.
The Shakira Project is a responsive website about Shakira and was created using HTML and CSS. Some sections were formed by grids, several music embeds from spotify, other links, and buttons that are linked to official shakira pages that can give more information about shakira. This website is a complete responsive website about her.
The Pumpkin JavaScript Weather App is a weather app that is created with technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and bootstrap. The location icon if pressed, can tell you the location of the person that is using it. It uses a SheCodes API to include all weather information.